The Judgement Hall Record Sessions | VII


Secret Location

Screenings :

- The Emperor Tomato Ketchup (1974)

- Le Fruit de la Passion (1981)

- Pastoral : To Die In The Country

- The Emperor Tomato Ketchup (short black&white) - 1971

- The Cage (Ori) - 1964,

- An Introduction to Cinema for Boys and Young Men

- Paper-Scissor-Rock War (1971)

- Roller (1974)

- Butterfly Dress Pledge (1974)

- An Introduction to Cinema for Boys and Young Men II (1974)

-Hoso-Tan (1975)

- Labyrinth Tale (1975)

- The Eraser (1977)

- An Introduction to Cinema for Boys and Young Men III (1974)

Soundtracked By :

Lupus & George Minos